The Power Of Rewiring Your Reality

Shift Your Perspective, Shape Your Outcome.

Start your week with purpose. Let’s get to it.

Quote of the Day

"We see the world, not as it is, but as we are—or, as we are conditioned to see it."

Stephen R. Covey

This quote nails it. The way we perceive the world is filtered through our own experiences, beliefs, and emotions. It's a reminder that our reality isn't fixed—it's shaped by the lenses we choose to wear. Change your perspective, and you can change your world.

Alright, let’s get started:

The Power Of Rewiring Your Reality

Tom and Bob work the same job at the same company under the same manager.

Their boss gives them identical feedback:

“You could be doing XYZ better.”

Tom takes it personally:

“I hate that guy.”

Bob sees it as a chance to improve:

“Aw, he wants me to grow.”

Same words, completely different takeaways.

The difference? How they interpret the feedback—through the lens of their emotions, beliefs, and experiences.

Perception shapes reality.

I know this because I used to be Tom, taking feedback and obstacles as personal attacks.

Perception: The Lens You Wear

It’s wild how we can all experience the same event but walk away with totally different stories.

And I’m not just talking about what we physically see.

I’m talking about the deeper stuff—how we interpret the world, people, and events, and how those interpretations make us feel.

Think of perception as life’s glasses—each of us wears a unique lens that colors our view of the world.

Tom and Bob heard the same thing, but their lenses told two different stories.

They created those stories, and guess what? They can change them too.

By changing the lenses you wear, you can change your reality.

Challenge ⇒ Opportunity

There are two truths I know to be absolutely true:

  1. You need to overcome obstacles to grow.

  2. Obstacles are inevitable.

Most people get stuck on the second truth.

They see obstacles as challenges, nothing more.

But when you mix in the first truth, you start to see obstacles differently—they become opportunities for growth.

Stepping stones, not roadblocks.

Exercise: Punishment ⇒ Privilege

If you can walk, be thankful.

If you can run, be thankful.

If you can lift heavy, be thankful.

If your body can do anything physical that makes it better, stronger, or healthier… be thankful.

There are plenty of people who would give anything to walk, run, or lift.

They look at us with envy while some see these activities as annoying chores.

One day, we may not be able to do any of this.

Embrace the privilege of movement.

Focus on the benefits, not the effort.

Honor what your body can do.

Comparison ⇒ Inspiration

It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap.

I do it all the time, and I know how damaging those lenses can be.

You’ll feel stuck, always thinking someone else is doing “better” than you. You’ll never feel satisfied.

But what if you flipped the script?

Use their success as fuel.

Instead of asking,

“Why can’t I do what they do?”


“If they can do it, so can I.”

Follow their lead and let it motivate you to reach your own goals.

Outcome ⇒ Process

How often has obsessing over the outcome actually worked out for you?

The vision we have of the future rarely matches reality.

After I lost 100 lbs, I was thrilled, but what I imagined eight years earlier didn’t exactly match up with how I felt.

Obsessing over the outcome is exhausting and often disappointing.

Instead, focus on the day-to-day.

The things you can control.

The journey of growth and learning you’re on.

The outcome will come, but your input is all you can control.

Have to” ⇒ “Get to”

Words matter.

“I have to”


“I get to.”

One feels like a chore, the other like an opportunity.

“I have to exercise.”

No, you get to.

“I have to work.”

No, you get to have a job.

“I have to hang out with friends.”

No, you get to—because you’re lucky enough to have friends.

Words are powerful. Use them wisely.

Can’t Control ⇒ Control

Life is full of things we can’t control.

So why waste energy on them?

Focus on what you can influence:

  • Your actions

  • Your attitude

  • Your response

  • Your perception

I used to struggle with this. But it’s gotten a lot better since I had a conversation with an old manager and mentor:

“The only thing you can control is how you react to the uncontrollable,”

he told me.

Couldn’t agree more.

Failure ⇒ Feedback

“F*ck, I messed up.”

When you hit a wall, you have two choices:

  1. Quit.

  2. Learn and try again.

Most people quit. It’s easier.

But it leads to a life full of regret.

Choosing to learn? Good. Now you know.

Now you’re better prepared for next time.

You’ll face more failures, more missteps. That’s a given.

But don’t quit. Ever.

If the lenses you’re wearing aren’t helping you see things in a way that serves you, it’s time to get a new prescription.


You've got this - I believe in you.

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